Wool and suede leather seat pad used 1 season..
4 3/4" high port with copper rollers. This bit does not have the articulated shanks. $SOLD
gorgeous show tereque..  stitched down comfort seat - sturdy construction, good leather.

Unique light chestnut color
Matching bridle and leather reins with rawhide accents rawhide pisador and matching bit hanger.

Heavy training jaquima.
rolled rawhide, pisador flat rawhide bosal and
alzador (curb)
brown show/training jaquima - fancy enough for schooling classes, strong enough for training.- natural rawhide accents.  Pisador, matching bit hanger


chestnut show bridle with white arrow accents on brow and noseband
beautiful leather, matching bit hanger.

Paso Fino Paso Finos Pinto Paso Pinto Paso Finos